East Valley Men’s Center
Homelessness is not always a choice and should never define a person. Jesus could have even been considered homeless: Luke 9:58 (NIV), Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”
Some of our Step7Living members have been spending time with our local men’s shelter to learn more about homelessness and how to help those it affects. For many of these men it’s a transitional time until they find work and save enough to get back out on their own. One of the challenges with finding work is having a way for potential employers to contact you. To help eliminate this problem, Step7Living has donated phones for use in their employment center so the men now have a phone number for employers to call them back. We truly believe that this gesture not only helps these men secure jobs, but also shows them that people do care.
On the day we delivered the phones we also delivered a letter and daily devotional for every cubicle for the men to enjoy… planting a seed for each!
Below are the cubicles each man gets at the men’s center.